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Notes from a Sequestration
I’m sitting at the breakfast table
with my functional MRI cap on
listening to Car Talk
on the radio,
Tom and Ray
are laughing,
one of them has died,
this is The Best of Car Talk,
after all,
and I wonder
if important parts
of my brain
are lighting up,
we are so hungry
for connection.
by Nancy Jasper
Nancy Jasper is a retired clinical social worker, now living in Massachusetts. She has published 9 online microchaps with the Origami Poems Project. In 2015 the OPP nominated her for a Pushcart Prize. Her work has also appeared in Leviathan, å—³Gavea-Brown, The Wrack Line, and the anthology Missing Providence. Her collection of Icelandic poems, Egil Is Baffled By Grief, is available through Amazon.